Our galleries are open for receiving items for future auctions. Please contact us to book an appointment.
Viewing for auctions
Viewing takes place between 9.30am-1pm and 2pm-4.30pm on the three days leading up to an auction.
We are of course very happy to also to email further images and condition reports to you. Please do get in contact with us through info@wallisandwallis.co.uk
Bidding on auction days
Bidders are welcome to attend the sale on auction day.
Please note that we also offer a number of other ways for you to place your bids:
- Live online (via easyliveauction.com or the-saleroom.com)
- Commission bids placed directly with us (at least 2 days prior to the sale)
- Phone bids (booked at least 2 days prior to the sale)
Payment of items
Payment will be accepted by following the link to our online payment portal (which you will be able to access through the invoice we will email to successful bidders). Where you will be able to pay either by debit card or through a direct bank transfer.
Please note we do not accept credit cards, cash or cheques.
Collecting items
Please contact us to book an appointment before visiting to collect lots won.
Postage and packing
We offer an in-house shipping service for almost all lots.
Please note that items purchased are not covered by Wallis & Wallis insurance whilst in transit with our in-house shipping service. We therefore request all buyers arrange their own insurance in regard to this.